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This file handles file management between a user and Google Cloud Storage.

The script works by creating a storage object containing a user’s data, to be used in a Cloud Storage bucket. To see more about the deployment of the Google Cloud Client, see our documentation on the GoogleCloudStorage Vendor page.

// Storage object containing credentials of user
const storage = new Storage({
    projectId: GCLOUD_PROJECT,
    credentials: {
        client_email: GCLOUD_CLIENT_EMAIL,
        private_key: GCLOUD_PRIVATE_KEY.replace(/\\n/g, '\n'),

The key functions are:

// Express middleware that will automatically pass uploads to Cloud Storage.
// req.file is processed and will have two new properties:
// * ``cloudStorageObject`` the object name in cloud storage.
// * ``cloudStoragePublicUrl`` the public url to the object.
function sendUploadToGCS(req, res, next)
/* Delete file from Google Cloud Storage
* Input:
* Filename - Name of file to be deleted
async function deleteFromGCS(filename)
