Contains the schema for our applications users. For each user, an index is created based on the name and email so that a user can be found in a search query (Important for linking artefacts to non-owners). The schema is as follows:
const userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
user_id: {
type: String,
index: true,
unique: true,
require: [true, 'A user needs an id'],
display_name: String,
display_picture: String,
email: String,
User.js also contains functions that render the dashboard for each unique user, collecting artefacts that are owned & shared with them.
Important Variables/Functions:
// Gets owned and viewable artefacts for a given user
userSchema.statics.getArtefacts = function getArtefacts(userId, done)
// Gets visible artefact data visible for a given viewer
userSchema.statics.getArtefact = function getArtefact(userId, artefactId, done)
// Create index on name and email for searching