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Observational testing was undertaken for reasons surrounding the quality, usability and features of the product. The co-operative observational querying method was used to do so. First, I gave testers a brief look at the home page of the website and asked what they thought the website was. Then, the user was given notes to read through including the requirements and user stories page,to clarify the purpose of the application. The testers were then told to navigate through the application without any assistance in an attempt to validate the ease of use. The instructions were to figure out how to upload and share an artefact without assistance, and then delete their account. The users each had an artefact shared with them when they created an account.

A questionnaire was then filled out by each user and the results are as per below. Each user had to score the following questions out of ten:

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Key recommendations from the testing coincedentally asked for functionalities that we are implementing in Sprint 3. Most of the feedback was consistent and demonstrated ane asy to use website however the users that had more problems were those that were more senior. The key findings were that majority of the users had trouble finding how to share an artefact with another user without assistance. It became clear through testing that sharing users after the artefact was created threw a few users off, and many indicated they would prefer to share it at creation time. At the moment, users can only share artefacts after they have created it.