25th August Update
Home page is on the verge of reflecting what we want in our final product. The “Lorem Ipsum” text was updated to be more meaningful, as well as a logo being created. The code was commented & cleaned to be a bit more readable.
18th August Update
We’ve been working on creating the home page as specified in the feedback from the wire frame. It is pretty basic and completely utilises the following publicly available javascript libraries. The simple style of the website was to fit with the client’s vision of a simple, easy to navigate web interface. This is emphasised due to the potential of our target demographic not being too tech savvy.
FullPage was utilised to create the effect where each scroll locks to a full section with the same height and width as the browser (Unless the client is on a mobile device). The resources used to learn the library were combinations of JSFiddle, GitHub and other sources. Basically, the combination of a data-menuanchor & section tag defines a section that will be seen as a page. It depends on the scrolloverflow.min.js file, and the main.js file initialises it in the index.ejs file.
Contains the code for the fullPage initialisation and the loading page.