User Stories
Jordan Puckridge
- As a creator of a family artifact database I want to be able to keep track of my physical artefacts with monetary or sentimental value, in order to assist in the creation of my will.
- As a user I want to be able to view all the artifacts associated with my family on one central page, so that they are easy to find and browse.
- As a creator of a family artifact database I want to be able to allow other users to view my artifacts, but to limit the amount of information available to them so that I can avoid family conflict.
- As a creator of a family artifact database I want to be able to attach documents to my artefacts, such as receipts, documents of worth, value and authenticity in order to better track the worth of each object.
- As a user I want to be able to attach documents to myself, such as a diploma, birth certificate or insurance information so that I can have a digital record of it.
- As a creator of a database I want to be able to assign certain objects to other user for posterity, without disclosing this decision to them.
- As a user I want to be able to download a backup of the database so that I can keep a backup on external storage.
- As a user I want to be able to take photographs of an object on my phone and be able to upload these to the application when I create a new artifact.
- As a user I want to be able to enter information for an object, such as a description, the object’s origin, any documentation and any insurance on the object.
- As a user I want to be able to connect my database to an existing family tree and be able to associate object with a specific person.
- As a user I want to primarily use the application on my laptop.
- As a user I want to be able to browse the artifacts on my mobile device.
- As a user I want the user interface to be simple to navigate, so that aging users unfamiliar with digital technology can use the app.
- As a creator of a database I want there to be differing user types, with different permission so I can control which users have access to certain information.
- As a creator of a database I want to be able to allow an executor of my will to access the database in the case of my demise.