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Minutes 28/08/2019
- Cannot see Trello.
- We have good user stories.
- Use user stories on github trello we have set up, give each a weight for importance.
- Break down user stories into smaller tasks.
- Documentation: Wiki is ok, prefer some separate folder in the repo.
- Add the meeting minutes into the repo.
- Scope is clear.
- Repo: For next sprint, use a subbranch for merging instead of master.
- Spread out contributions to github just in case lecturer checks. Makes sure very member looks like they’re contributing.
- Documented previous week’s changes
- Fixed style to work on mobile devices
- Added error messages for unsupported browsers.
- Challenges: None
- Got image uploading working.
- Using google cloud storage service to achieve that.
- Next Week: Support for multiple images on a single artefact.
- Challenges: Documentation
- Added polish to front end
- New logo, added text to landing page
- Next Week: Work on front end with James.
- Challenges:
- Liaised with client and showed off working prototype.
- He liked what he saw so far, most of his issues were the existing requirements that had yet to be met.
- Continued getting up to speed with technical side.
- Javascript, Express and node.js tutorials
- Next Week: Will start working on features of the prototype, continue to keep in contact with client.